Make January 31st 2015 and Save £100
This date looms ever closer – we have completed and submitted 95% of our clients tax returns., If you still have not provided the information to enable LIRIC to prepare your return ( you know who you are!) then it may not be too late, but we cannot guarantee meeting the filing deadline! There is an automatic £100 late filing penalty – even if no tax is due.
HMRC have started to send out the statements for tax due 31 January – these should tally with the figures we have previously advised you – if you are in doubt please ask us. If there is no figure shown in the tax due box, this does not mean there is not tax to pay!! HMRC will have started running these statements several weeks ago and if they have not received they your tax return by that time then the tax requested may not be correct Please pay what LIRIC advised to:-
HMRC Cumbernauld
Sort code 08-32-10
Account 12001039
Reference is your 10 digit UTR (Unique Tax Reference) followed by the letter K
Please ensure you use the correct UTR as otherwise HMRC may not allocate the payment correctly to your account. and it will take a considerable time to identify payments that end up in HMRC “suspense” account.